Crush The Turtle in the movie Finding Nemo
It is a wetland site of international importance, covering 250 km², for the protection of the hundreds of thousands migratory birds that pass through during Autumn but there are also 18 species of reptiles.
The Zaranik Protectorate lies at the eastern end of Lake Bardawil on the Sinai Mediterranean coast and is a major bottleneck for migrating 270 recorded waterbirds due to its location and the Zaranik Lagoon.
Small islets in the Zaranik lagoon support dense halophytic vegetation.
Bottle-nosed Dolphins are the most commonly observed marine animals while Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta Caretta) nest on its Mediterranean shore.
Recently, a very small population of the rare and endangered Egyptian Tortoise (Testudo Kleinmanni) has been found in the area.
Several vulnerable or threatened species of birds migrate through the area including Corncrake (Crex Crex) and Pallid Harrier (Circus Macrourus).
This Protectorate is located along an important historical trade route linking Egypt with the East. Fascinating sites, pottery fragments and other remains are scattered through the area. On Felusyat Island an ancient Roman fort and 3 Byzantine churches can be explored. Nearby, at El Khweynat, a tomb and the remains of a mosque dating back to the Islamic conquest can be found.
(At present there is no tourism allowed in this area.)
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